
Today’s modern smart home is one of the true wonders of the urban lifestyle. Living in a deeply connected and fully functional residence provides safety, security, convenience and luxury. From asking your digital assistant to schedule an appointment from your kitchen table, checking your indoor cameras on your smartphone to see how your child’s piano lesson is going, to immersive, clean bass in your personal movie theatre, living in the future is living in the present. 
Your residence is your escape from the rigors of modern life. A sanctuary, a safe haven, a playground but most importantly, your house is your home. Taking pride and going the extra mile is necessary when providing services or products, and at LV Automation, we believe that is the only option. 
We pride ourselves on staying beyond the technological curve, analyzing current and future trends while utilizing the latest technologies to provide custom solutions to achieve your dream home. Value, satisfaction and customer service are the pillars of our business that guarantee we will get the job done on time and on budget. 
We don’t meet expectations, we exceed them.
Custom solutions tailored to fit your preferences, budget and needs.

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